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Sunday's new moon eclipse is supercharged

We are well into eclipse season and all the changes that it brings, and I am truly excited as this second of the three eclipses is the most impactful of all. The June 21 New Moon in Cancer is potent and supercharged, bringing big shifts and changes that will manifest on a personal and global level.

Cancer helps us feel anchored in a sense of connection and belonging. Cancer is about feeling at home within the self, feeling connected to love and compassion. Cancer is also the feminine sign, so as we feel this potent Solar Eclipse brewing, be mindful to give and receive love equally. Healing comes when you lead with love, so love yourself and take time for self-care. Also take time this new moon to unite with the women in your life to embody the feelings of feeling safe, nurtured, supported and empowered.

Women are magical and the moon is a reminder of that. Mystical Mother Moon travels through a cycle every month, as we do. The New Moon represents powerful new beginnings energy in the cycle and amplifies your sacred feminine magic, to build a clean slate charged with possibility, opportunity and hope. The New Moon Solar eclipse on June 21 brings new beginnings and unexpected opportunities. So, harness this powerful eclipse energy this Sunday to bring about transformation in that area of your life. Tune in to your desires, allow your inner fire and passion to lead you, and then set some intentions under this Eclipse. Visualise what you would like to manifest into your life.

Cancer teaches us about the transformative power of care. Visualise and manifest what it means to self-care for you and for everyone too…peace, equality, justice, love, compassion, purpose. Call in these powerful vibrations and allow them to be birthed inside of you for yourself and for all of humanity.

This Cancer New Moon Eclipse can awaken forces of positive and abundant change so send an intention to the universe to welcome love and abundance. You are allowed to desire it, to wish it for everyone around you and to claim it. To align with your intention, how does the energy of your intention feel when manifested?

New moon manifesting has become part of my monthly practice to help my take inspired action on my dreams.

My New Moon Meditation creates a sacred space to connect with your divine feminine energy to manifest in tune with the New Moon supercharging your desires and intentions. You can replay this meditation every new moon combined with my New Moon Ritual download to manifest your desires and intentions.

Happy New Moon Blessings and Abundance x

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